Early on, April shared that her polycystic ovary syndrome may cause infertility, but the couple were strong in the face of adversity. Conception with PCOS did prove challenging, but with the help of fertility treatments the couple welcomed a new baby.
[The day of our first visit] “I did walk out with a lot of hope, which is something I hadn’t had in the whole three years that we had been going through all of this.”
Video transcript
April: I already knew that I had PCOS which is polycystic ovary syndrome. I told him [Brian] that it would probably be hard for me to conceive – not impossible – but it would be harder, and he was totally fine with that. He was like, Okay.
So basically that’s kind of how our entire relationship has been. It’s been okay, whatever comes our way, let’s do this.
Brian’s strength sustains them both
You feel like there’s something wrong with you. You feel like you’re holding them [your significant other] back from having something that they want or deserve, and he never made me feel that way. As a matter of fact, he helped me to not feel that way.
I would say that we probably stayed with the OB-GYN a little bit longer than we should have. But we didn’t know, I didn’t know.
I didn’t know how far this was going to have to go because I have never dealt with it before and I think there’s this misconception of infertility treatments that there has to be something really wrong, something really malfunctioning or something like that in order for you to need to go that far.
When to see a fertility specialist
She actually told me, she’s like I know that you’re not wanting to hear this right now but you really need to go to Dallas IVF, and she even specified Dr. Ku. She said you have to see my doctor.
We came and saw him. Within 30 minutes of meeting with him we learned more than we had in the last three years.
Brian: First I learned exactly what was wrong because I knew but I didn’t really know what was wrong. He was able to show what was wrong and say we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this, if this isn’t working we are going to try this and then we can try this. I mean from the start to the end exactly what we need to go through and what we expect at every single stage.
He also would not let us leave until he had answered every single one of our questions. There was no rushing, we were his priority at that moment and he made sure we knew it.
April: I did walk out with a lot of hope, which is something I hadn’t had in the whole three years that we had been going through all of this.
Dr. Ku’s way to conception with PCOS
Dr. Ku: Here at Dallas IVF we strive to offer the patient the most affordable and minimally invasive treatment plan to begin with. In talking with April, we decided to begin with insemination. And after a couple of inseminations, unfortunately, we had no success. We regrouped with April and decided we would move forward with something called in vitro fertilization or IVF.
Brian: I would give her shots because she couldn’t. She wouldn’t do the shots so I had to give her all her shots. I would encourage her. You know there were times when she just got tired of it, and I say, “Well just keep trying, we’ve got a game plan we know we’re doing now so let’s just see what happens the first step, see what would happen to the second step.” That was really my biggest role, just encouragement … and shots.
And then there were three
The day we found that we were pregnant was a very exciting day. It was actually at night and we were supposed to come in two days later for the pregnancy test (it was a Saturday and we were supposed to go on Monday for the pregnancy test but someone couldn’t wait). So she took a pregnancy test – and I didn’t even realize she was taking a pregnancy test – and I walk into the room and she was holding up a onesie.
April: I honestly got to the point where I didn’t think I was going to be able to give it [children] to him. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to take the pregnancy test because the official one at the doctor’s office that Monday. So I went to the store and got the pregnancy test, took it, and when he came into the house I’m standing there holding the onsie.
He just looked at me and said, “Are you serious?”
I’m like, “Yeah!”
Learn more about PCOS and fertility