Her path to fertility doctor was typical – 80-hour OB-GYN residency work weeks! – and not typical, with five surgeries for a dangerous cancer.
Dr. Sara Mucowki‘s gruelling OB-GYN study was followed by three years of fellowship training in reproductive endocrinology & infertility (REI) where she learned the intricacies of the reproductive system and how to manipulate them to achieve pregnancy where women needed assistance. All the while, she was performing research, writing papers, and finding time for fitness (and figure skating) in any “free time.”
“Knowing how important it was for me to focus on my career, I froze my eggs so they would be ready when I was to start a family of my own while maintaining their good, young, qualities.”
– Dr. Mucowski
“While everything seemed to be on a path of smooth sailing, I was diagnosed with a very rare skin cancer – dermatofibromasarcoma protuberens – that threatened not only my life but my ability to continue to practice medicine and help grow families,” she relates. “I was incredibly fortunate, and after five surgeries, I am cancer-free with only a small scar to show for it.
The article also includes her predictions for the future of fertility treatment. “It would be amazing to run a blood test that results in treatments really tailored to a patient’s genes,” she says. “Furthermore, I expect cost to decrease both as technology becomes cheaper and as more insurance policies start offering coverage for both fertility treatments (like IUI and IVF) and fertility preservation (like egg freezing).”