Hopeful parents can find basic fertility care at Dallas IVF
Although advanced treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) often come to mind when hopeful parents think about fertility treatment, not everyone will need these types of interventions to conceive. Our Dallas fertility center offers basic fertility care, which our reproductive endocrinologists may recommend when patients only need a little bit of help to bring home a healthy baby.
Basic fertility care encompasses several treatment options
Our physicians always strive to create a customized treatment plan for each patient that will help them to achieve their dream of parenthood with the minimal amount of interventions. Certain patients who visit our Dallas fertility center will only need basic fertility care, such as fertility medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and/or lifestyle changes.
- Fertility medications may help some women who do not ovulate regularly find fertility success. Sometimes, our physicians will recommend medications in conjunction with timed intercourse. In other cases, they may suggest that you undergo intrauterine insemination (IUI) to increase your odds of conceiving.
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI) can be an excellent option for certain cases of male and female infertility because it ensures that the sperm is deposited directly into the uterus of the female patient.
- Weight loss of as little as 5% of a patient’s body weight can sometimes help improve fertility in overweight patients. Weight gain in underweight patients may also help to resolve infertility.
- Stress reduction can be an important component of basic fertility care. Certain research suggests that there is a link between stress and infertility. Self-care activities like meditation, acupuncture and yoga have been proven to reduce stress levels in women and men who are facing infertility and undergoing fertility treatments.
- Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes can improve fertility in both men and women. Moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to negative changes in male and female fertility. Smoking cigarettes can reduce a woman’s egg supply, causing her to enter menopause earlier compared to women who do not smoke. Additionally, smoking can cause lower sperm counts in men.
- Supplements such as folic acid, Vitamin D, and others may help improve chances of successful pregnancy.
Find out if basic fertility care is right for you
The treatment that is right for you will depend on the results of your diagnostic fertility testing. This information will help your fertility doctor decide whether you are a good candidate for basic fertility care, and if so, what treatments and/or lifestyle changes will be most likely to help you conceive.
Want to learn more about basic fertility care? Contact us to schedule an appointment at our Dallas fertility center and see how the right treatment helps make dreams of parenthood come true.