When both parents have fertility hurdles to overcome, finding the right doctor can help you beat the biological clock. Dallas IVF designed a plan that resulted in the birth of baby Seth. It’s harder, but not impossible, to get pregnant after 40.
Video transcript
Stacey: The fertilized eggs go in, and it’s just a puff of air. When we told our family what had happened, my mom had said it the best, I thought, is that it was the breath of God.
When we decide that we wanted to start trying to have kids, I went to my OB and she suggested that maybe we start trying for about six months to try and see if we could get pregnant the natural way.
We decided to be proactive because of my biological clock
Because of our ages, I’m over 40 as is Jeff, we didn’t know if we wanted to wait that long of a time and maybe be unsuccessful. So we decided we would instead be proactive.
I found Dr. Mucowski just by doing an online search for IVF, and, as luck would have it, I found Dallas IVF. I found her location and was happy with what I read as far as her bio.
Jeff: We made an appointment and saw her in December 2014. She was very good at letting us know that, at our age, with the factors that we had, that the best thing for us – that probably our best chance to have a healthy baby – would be through in vitro fertilization.
Jeff: I was fully on board with it because, just the way she spoke, she spoke so confidently, she was very kind and nice. Just the way she was made me feel comfortable about the whole thing. Make sure that you feel comfortable with the person that’s going to be doing the implantation and who’s going to be looking at everything.
Jeff: That’s the one thing about Dr. Mucowski. When we walked out, we were sure. We had no reservations about anything. We were sure that what she said was the right way. And we trusted in her.
Legitimate concerns about potential complications
Stacey: The concerns I had being older, being an older mom, were mainly birth defects, and my biological clock, just being able to get pregnant, because I know that you only get a certain number of eggs. That was the reason we didn’t want to try necessarily naturally because we thought, if we try for four months and here we are four months down the road being unsuccessful, feeling discouraged … And if it’s not me, what if it’s him?
Jeff: The day we had the implantation, there was an ice storm. We actually stayed a couple miles down the road at the Sheraton Hotel just so we could be close by here.
Stacey: Because we didn’t want to risk coming all the way from Corinth.
Jeff: And when we got here first thing in the morning, even though it was very treacherous for a lot of the employees to get here, everybody was here with a smile on their face ready to go. I mean, the city was basically shut down because of this ice storm.
Stacey: We only had to do the implantation once. They implanted two eggs and when we went in for our seven-week check-up, when [Dr. Mucowski] did a little peek around, she found one that set.
Stacey: That ended up being our little Seth. He was born six pounds, six ounces. He was born a little premature, about 36 weeks, but he is a healthy 18-month-old little man. And running around, walking all over the place.
Jeff: You know, it’s got its days where it’s really hard, but you know, nine times out of ten, if I just look at his face, it’s all worth it.