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Author: Dallas IVF

IVF and LGBT family building

Of all the obstacles they faced, turns out IVF was the easiest to overcome. Ashley and Jen made the decision to pursue IVF after 10 years of dreaming of a family.

Conception With PCOS Was Difficult, but not Impossible

Early on, April shared that her polycystic ovary syndrome may cause infertility, but the couple was strong in the face of adversity. Conceiving with PCOS did prove challenging but with the help of Dallas IVF fertility treatments, they welcomed a little miracle into their family.

IVF and prayer: a fertility journey

When this couple didn’t conceive after several years of marriage, they sought medical advice and discovered that they had male factor infertility. Read their story and how Dallas IVF helped their dreams come true.

Dallas IVF at ASRM

Dallas IVF is proud to announce that Lowell Ku, M.D., represented our Dallas fertility center by attending and presenting at the 2016 ASRM Annual Meeting. The gathering is an opportunity for the world’s leading fertility specialists and embryologists to share information about best practices in reproductive medicine.